Specifications Green Pasture platform

This page states the specifications of the Green Pasture | GHG calculation platform. This overview is specifically referred to in the ‘General Terms and Conditions Green Pasture’. 

Specifications are given per license type.

Basic license (Scope 1 and 2)

  1. Dashboard with GHG footprint per scope and year
  2. Summarized GHG emission table with all calculated GHG emissions
  3. Yearly update of emission factors once emission factor supliers provide an update. 
  4. Facilities app to calculate GHG emissions resulting from natural gas consumption, electricity consumption (both location and market-based), district heating, and facility waste (rest/other waste, paper, organic and plastic).
  5. Vehicles app to calculate GHG emissions resulting of vehicles running on petrol, diesel or electricity. Both based on actual fuel/energy consumption or based on distance. 
  6. Stationary Machines app to calculate GHG emissions resulting of using a stationary machine consuming a fossil fuel. Consumption can be provided in kg or l. 
  7. Refrigerants app to calculate emissions resulting from leakage of refrigerants. Calculation can be done based on refrigerant type and consumption in kg. 

Advanced license (Scope 1, 2 and 3)

  1. All specifications listed above in the section ‘Basic license (Scope 1 and 2)
  2. Business Travel app to calculate GHG emission resulting from business travel for the modalities Air, Train, Bus, Tram/Metro, Cars, Motorbikes, Bicycles and Walking. Travel distances need to be entered by the user and are not provided by the platform. 
  3. Commute app to calculate GHG emissions resulting from commuting for the modalities Train, Bus, Tram/Metro, Cars, Motorbikes, Bicycles and Walking. A main modality and a second commute modality can be provided. Travel distances need to be entered by the user and are not provided by the platform. Finally, it’s possible to calculate GHG emissions related to working-from-home. 
  4. Purchased Goods & Services app to calculate emissions resulting from purchased goods and services, including capital goods. For some items emission factors need to be provided by the user or searched for in cooperation with Sustaining Supply Chains. 
  5. Sublicense and usage of EcoInvent GHG (IPCC21) emission factors.