Moving towards sustainable supply chains

We help you in the transition to a sustainable supply chain.

We believe in supply chains that are sustainable, cost-efficient and deliver a good performance to your customers. We focus on reducing CO2 emissions. We do this by setting up together a roadmap with concrete measures to start reducing. Next to this, we are experienced in calculating CO2 emissions in supply chains in a standardized way. We are Sustaining Supply Chains.

Our Services

CO2 reduction plan

Together we develop your roadmap to start operating more sustainably tomorrow.

Calculating CO2 emissions

We’re accredited for calculating your CO2 emissions in a standardized way.

GHG accounting training

We train you and your company in green-house-gas accounting principles.

CO2 monitoring

We deliver monitoring of CO2 emissions of your processes and supply chain. You choose the frequency, we deliver your reporting. We work according to the green-house-gas protocol. Insight in your carbon footprint is the first step to work on your sustainable journey within the supply chain. 

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FMCG industry

Our customers

About us

Everyone gets to play. We believe every person and business gets to play to work towards a righteous world.  Founded in 2020, Sustaining Supply Chains moves in this direction together with others. Sustaining Supply Chains aims to contribute to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Find out more about us or contact our expert Wiger Aantjes directly.

How can we sustain your supply chain? 

We would love to get to know you. Contact us with your questions or interests and we’ll reach out to you!