We help you in the transition to a sustainable supply chain.
With our Sustain methodology we support to create your plan with the right measures for your company to reduce your CO2 emissions. Next to this, we’re experienced in calculation CO2 emissions based on your shipment or fleet data. Finally, we help companies to implement specific measures in their supply chain.

CO2 reduction plan
We all have the challenge to transit to more sustainable supply chains. However, every company is different. With our Sustain methodology we are able to understand the supply chain dynamics in your company. Together we develop a roadmap with concrete steps, that match your ambitions and maturity level. The Sustain methodology examines multiple aspects from an organizational, process and resources perspective of a company. With the help of interviews and a detailed survey we’re able to select the right measures from our longlist that will help your company to deliver the targeted CO2 emissions.
Calculating CO2 emissions
Obtaining the insights in the carbon footprint of your supply chain is often an important first step. We deliver GLEC-accredited CO2 emission calculations and monitoring. Also, we can help you in setting up a standardized measurement approach that suits your way of working. No matter if you have a regional or global supply chain, have your own fleet or outsourced logistic activities, or when you’re using different transport modalities. Next to this we can guide you in how to incorporate the calculation into your own analytics/data warehouse environments.

GHG accounting training
We frequently train finance and sustainability professionals in Green-house-gas accounting. Different training programmes are possible in terms of cases, duration and sectors. We give inhouse trainings and open registration trainings.
How can we sustain your supply chain?
We would love to get to know you. Contact us with your questions or interests and we’ll reach out to you!